1. |
How many people were formally charged with witchcraft? |
a) 95 |
c) 140 |
b) 64 |
d) None of the above |
2. |
How many people were afflicted? |
a) 43 |
c) 57 |
b) 83 |
d) None of the above |
3. |
Where did this witchcraft outbreak originate? |
a) Andover |
c) Salem Village |
b) Salem Town |
d) None of the above |
4. |
Who was the first afflicted girl? |
a) Abigail Williams |
c) Tituba |
b) Betty Parris |
d) None of the above |
5. |
Which accused person was pressed to death for refusing to answer the court's questions? |
a) John Proctor |
c) Samuel Wardwell |
b) Alice Parker |
d) None of the above |
6. |
What year did the Salem witch trials take place? |
a) 1697 |
c) 1762 |
b) 1692 |
d) None of the above |
7. |
Who was the youngest person jailed for witchcraft? |
a) Dorcas Good |
c) Mary Warren |
b) Martha Tyler |
d) None of the above |
8. |
What were some of the causes of the Salem witch trials? |
a) Family squabbles |
c) Superstitions |
e) None of the above |
b) Salem politics |
d) All of the above |
9. |
Who was the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the Salem witch trials? |
a) Sir William Phips |
c) Cotton Mather |
b) Samuel Sewall |
d) None of the above |
10. |
How many convicted witches were hanged? |
a) 20 |
c) 17 |
b) 19 |
d) None of the above |
11. |
When Salem Village separated from Salem Town in 1752, what did Salem Village change its name to? |
a) Decatur |
c) Devonshire |
b) Danvers |
d) None of the above |
12. |
No one died a convicted witch again in America after the Salem witch trials. |
a) True |
b) False |
13. |
Of the women listed below, which one was once tried for witchcraft in 1680, but not convicted in that year? |
a) Sarah Good |
c) Elizabeth Proctor |
b) Bridget Bishop |
d) None of the above |
14. |
Who was the Salem Village minister during the trials? |
a) Cotton Mather |
c) Samuel Parris |
b) Joseph Green |
d) None of the above |
15. |
Which afflicted girl in August 1706 asked the congregation of her church for forgiveness for her involvement with the Salem witch trials? |
a) Ann Putnam, Jr. |
c) Betty Parris |
b) Abigail Williams |
d) None of the above |